Accurate, efficient ACL reconstructive surgery
Personalized ACL reconstructive surgery that makes you feel that same strength from before your injury

Personalized ACL reconstructive surgery that makes you feel that same strength from before your injury
The ACL is the anterior cruciate ligament. It is one of the ligaments critical to stabilizing the knee joint, specifically connecting the femur and thighbone to the tibia and shinbone. ACL tears are generally due to athletic movement, where you are forced to undergo quick changes in direction. Pivoting with a planted foot or taking a direct blow to the knee are other ways to cause an ACL tear. Although some people can still walk with a torn ACL, it is very challenging to live your life to the fullest, and here at Genesis we want to ensure you have access to the highest quality of life. We want to be a part of your journey to freely moving once again.
Ligaments are extremely strong and durable bands of tissue that connect muscle to bone or tendon. Ligaments are critical to athletic movement and having stability throughout your daily movement. With two ligament tears, it can become nearly impossible to complete daily activities like walking around your home, getting out of bed, going to the bathroom, or any other kind of normal movement you should expect from your body. One ligament tear puts you at increased risk of being in such a vulnerable situation. We, at Genesis, want to bring you back to being yourself. With a knee injury, especially, a ligament injury can create significant challenges to the kind of movement you would normally expect from yourself. At Genesis, we understand the challenges this poses and are fully committed to helping you live your life to the fullest.
ACL reconstructive surgery is the most effective and efficient solution that Genesis provides for repairing a torn anterior cruciate ligament. Using a graft tendon from another part of the body, we can bring you back to moving like you’ve always expected. Most commonly, autografts from your tendon of the kneecap or hamstring is used, not taking anything away from your ability to use those tendons. Your orthopedic surgeon will precisely drill tunnels into the thighbone or shinbone to correctly place the graft, securing it to the bone. This graft will serve as the basis for future ligament growth and return to normalcy. The pain you’ve come to expect doesn’t have to be the norm. It can stop. You can feel the same strength and stability you had before your injury. Using our advanced imaging techniques, precise reconstruction, and enhanced therapy model, Genesis is able to provide high quality affordable care to empower you to move freely. Our experienced orthopedic surgeons have both training and skill with completing ACL reconstructive surgeries, and are able to produce some of the best results. Combined with our advanced techniques and technology, Genesis separates itself as the choice for anyone seeking ethically-priced ACL surgery.
Who is a good candidate for ACL reconstructive surgery? The best candidate is an athlete who wants to continue playing their sport, especially sports that involve pivoting, cutting, or stopping. This kind of surgery is also critical for anyone that has more than one torn ligament, a torn meniscus, or has significant knee instability that causes your knee to buckle during common daily activities.
Here at Genesis Orthopedics & Sports Medicine, we have some of the best medical technology in the world, and we know exactly what steps to take to ensure you have the best knee replacement experience possible. You’ll find the best ACL reconstructive recovery with Genesis Orthopedics & Sports Medicine.
"Thank you for seeing and caring for our daughter, Janie on such short notice. She felt so comfortable with you and you were a great encouragement to her."
George i Lu
“You’re so kind! You’re so skilled! You’re so helpful! You’re so needed! Thank you for putting me back together. Thank you so much for helping me feel better.”
"I just want to thank you for a wonderful job on my shoulder and bicep muscle. Your staff is A-1 in my book."
It happens! One wrong move, and suddenly you feel like you will never be able to move the same agin. It doesn’t have to be that way, and here at Genesis we are committed to empowering you to move freely again.
I to jest dokładnie to, o co nam chodzi w Genesis: przywrócenie możliwości swobodnego poruszania się w ciele bez bólu. Przywrócenie to jeden z darów, jakie zawód lekarza może zapewnić światu - prawdziwe przywrócenie Twojej mobilności.
Typowy pacjent powinien spodziewać się:
Here at Genesis Orthopedics & Sports Medicine, your care and comfort are top priorities for us. With our leading ACL surgery model and post-surgery care, we are able to provide care that significantly reduce the need for another surgery or residual knee pain/instability. We provide clear instructions on how to reduce swelling, proper care to prevent infection, and medications to reduce pain. Our model of care is geared around preventing two primary causes of dissatisfaction for ACL reconstructive surgery, which are: (1) Residual pain due to improper surgery; (2) Slow recovery time/healing; By using advanced imaging technologies, we can ensure the graft is precisely placed and significantly limit the damage to surrounding parts of our knee. Altogether this reduces any residual pain and decreases recovery time/chance of infection. We will walk you through this process to help you feel as comfortable as we are in improving your ability to live life freely.
"To miejsce jest NIESAMOWITE! KOCHAM tych facetów! Najlepsze we wszystkim !!!"
„Cały zespół w Genesis Orthopaedics & Sports Medicine jest tak profesjonalny, jak to tylko możliwe! Moje wizyty są terminowe i pouczające. Doskonale wyjaśniają diagnozę i leczenie. To taka szczęśliwa grupa ludzi - nie mogę się doczekać wizyty w gabinetem i opieką ... Naprawdę kocham Genesis Orthopaedics & Sports Medicine! ”
You are right around the corner from ACL reconstructive surgery. Our high-quality care and ethical-pricing are what makes Genesis unique and undergirds our promise to ensure your ACL recovery is as smooth as possible.
You could be a 15 minute screening away from giving your body what it has always been asking for – the ability to move freely again.
Nasza praca składa się z trzech prostych kroków: oceny, leczenia i powrotu do zdrowia.
Najpierw umów się na wizytę, aby ustalić z naszym zespołem lekarskim, jaka jest dokładnie natura Twojego bólu kolana. Mając to na uwadze, możemy stworzyć plan opieki posuwający się naprzód i określić, czy konieczna jest wymiana stawu kolanowego.
Naszym celem nie jest wykonanie jak największej liczby operacji. Naszym celem jest po prostu dopasowanie najlepszej ścieżki opieki do Twojego wyjątkowego problemu. Ale jeśli w celu kompleksowego rozwiązania problemu konieczna jest operacja, planujemy operację, dostosowując się przede wszystkim do Twojego harmonogramu i potrzeb
Naszą obietnicą jest to, że wyjdziesz z operacji na własnych dwóch nogach, bez bólu, z planem fizjoterapii pooperacyjnej, która wzmocni Twoje kolana i ułatwi całkowitą regenerację stawu kolanowego
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Our full-spectrum care is everything you need to elevate your health and enhance your performance.