
Dr. Ryan M. Pizinger

Board Certified

About Dr. Ryan Pizinger

Having played football and lifted competitively for the University of Maine during his undergrad, Dr. Pizinger understands the realities of sports injuries, and the importance of being able to return to your sport, your passion, and your life.

His Sports Medicine Fellowship with the Aspen Orthopaedic Associates combined with his residency at Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center provided him with the experience and expertise required to tackle all sports injuries, traumas and degenerative conditions. This thorough background in sports medicine has allowed him to provide effective treatment of a wide range of sports injuries, traumas, and degenerative conditions.

Dr. Pizinger is dedicated to mastering the the latest innovative treatments focused on joint preservation for the shoulders, knees and hips. Beyond sports injuries and arthroscopic surgery, Dr. Pizinger is also highly experienced in total joint replacement operations. His goal for all his patients is to return them to their active lifestyle as quickly as possible.

Medical School:

Virginia Commonwealth University – Medical College of Virginia


BS, University of Maine – Orono


Aspen Valley Hospital District


Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center

Certified By: 

American Board of Orthopaedic Surgery


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