
Hip Arthritis

Hip Arthritis


Arthritis is a condition in which the joints become inflamed, it can develop in one joint or many joints in the body. There are multiple forms of arthritis, including osteoarthritis which develops due to age and wear and tear on the joint and autoimmune arthritis such as rheumatoid arthritis (RA), or systemic lupus erythematosus. Arthritis in the hip may also be a sign of chronic inflammation of the spine; specifically where the spine meets at the pelvic bone referred to as anklosing spondylitis. Sufferers of hip arthritis typically complain of difficulty getting around, a dull ache, pain, or stiffness in the hip region.

Treatment Options:


Cortisone offers pain relief to patients suffering from the side effects of arthritis. The steroid can be administered orally or injected into the site of inflammation for quicker results.

Physical Therapy

In most cases of osteoarthritis, physical therapy can help improve range of motion and strengthen the muscles.


Total hip arthroplasty is a reconstructive surgical procedure performed for the replacement of the hip joint with an artificial prosthesis. This surgery is typically used as a last resort procedure for patients who have had a poor response to medication and physical therapy.

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