
Patient of the Month: Kathleen Dragan

Kathleen Dragan

We’re excited to announce Kathleen Dragan is our second patient of the month for June!

What did Kathleen’s pain feel like before she came to Genesis? She writes, “I was in so much pain I couldn’t even put the turn signal on in my car. I couldn’t sleep, walk my kids to school, or put a dish away. It was terrible. I was in so much pain that I didn’t even feel like I could be myself.”

Now that her injury has been addressed, things are much better. She writes, “Three months later, I can confidently say that I am back to myself! I can participate in the activities that I enjoy like running and yoga. I am still working on getting stronger, but I no longer have to live with constant pain.”

We asked Kathleen if she had any comments for her primary provider at Genesis, and we’re so grateful for her kind words. She wrote, “I would like to thank Sincer Jacob for seeing me so quickly, listening to all of my concerns, and always being there for me throughout my recovery. When I had some irritating side effects from the first medication I was on, he was quick to adjust my plan and checked in often to make sure I was doing ok. I felt like he wasn’t just treating my injury, he was treating me as a whole person.”

That’s what we’re all about at Genesis – treating people as full people, in all their humanity, and providing the best care to everyone.

Patient of the Month is a new initiative where we highlight success stories within our patient community. There’s always too many to choose, but we’re grateful for the opportunity to have come alongside Kathleen for her orthopedic challenges and look forward to serving more people like her!


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