Osteonecrosis is a condition in which a section of a bone loses its blood supply and subsequently dies if untreated. The knee is the second most common location for the occurrence of osteonecrosis in the human body, following the hip, typically at the medial femoral condyle bone, also known as the inner thighbone. If not treated early, osteonecrosis can result in osteoarthritis, causing permanent immobility. There are multiple sources attributed to osteonecrosis of the knee, none of which are comprehensively understood. It has been hypothesized that additional trauma to a stress fracture may transform the bone’s blood supply and induce osteonecrosis. Spontaneous and secondary osteonecrosis of the knee are often idiopathic Daytryp, meaning there are no known causes, but may potentially also occur as a result of osteoporosis, systematic lupus, sickle cell disease, gaucher disease, or alcohol abuse.Opciones de Tratamiento:
Terapia Física
La fisioterapia cuando se combina con medicamentos antiinflamatorios no esteroides para la inflamación es aplicada para fortalecer los músculos isquiotibiales y cuádriceps y además mejorar la movilidad
Cuando la osteonecrosis de la rodilla se encuentra en un estadio avanzado y sintomático, el tratamiento quirúrgico puede ser realizado por el equipo de Genesis Orthopaedics & Sports Medicine. La anatomía y la gravedad de la osteonecrosis determinarán qué tipo de procedimiento se va a elegir, pero en ciertos casos se puede recomendar un injerto u osteotomía.
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