
Safe and effective anterior hip replacement

Utilizing the anterior approach to hip replacement, we offer the best hip replacement experience in Chicago

Hip Replacement

Unlike a traditional approach where the muscles are cut, the Anterior Approach allows the surgeon to work between the muscles keeping them intact. By keeping the muscles intact, the Anterior Approach may allow for shorter recovery, less pain, a shorter hospital stay and fewer post-operative restrictions.

The surgical approach (sometimes called the surgical technique) is the way the surgeon makes their incision so that they can operate on the bones that make up the hip joint. Many surgeons use what is called a traditional or posterior approach (incision through the back of the hip), while an increasing number of surgeons are using an Anterior Approach (incision through the front of the hip). The popularity of the Anterior Approach is rapidly growing because of its measured advantages and improved outcomes.

Consider one such advantage: a shorter hospital stay. Genesis Orthopedics & Sports Medicine uses ANTERIOR ADVANTAGE by DePuy Synthes for its procedures, and clinical studies support that ANTERIOR ADVANTAGE patients experience a reduced length of stay. Moreover, patients spent almost one less day in the hospital compared to posterior approach patients. Patients were discharged almost one day sooner than patients with a traditional approach (2.28 days vs 3.02 days). And patients experienced a 50% reduction in length of stay compared to posterior approach patients (33.9 hours compared to 65.8 hours).

Consider another advantage of our approach: a speedier recovery. Scientific data supports that patients spend less time in recovery facilities and return to daily activity faster than patients treated with other procedures. We can help you perform daily activities earlier in your recovery. This means that you may have more freedom to walk without support, climb stairs, and put on your own socks and shoes, compared to patients treated with another approach. Our patients are more likely to cease the use of a walking aid by 6 weeks post-surgery than posterior approach patients.

A third advantage of our approach is to experience less pain. Anterior hip replacement is considered a muscle-sparing procedure for total hip replacement, which means that instead of cutting muscle, your surgeon works around muscle. By keeping your muscles intact, you may experience less pain early in your recovery than if you had undergone another procedure.

When compared to posterior approach patients, ANTERIOR ADVANTAGE patients have reported less pain at day one, week two, and week six post-operatively. And our patients experienced significantly less pain after primary THA as measured by visual analog pain scores than posterior approach patients.

Here at Génesis Ortopedia y Medicina Deportiva, we have some of the best medical technology in the world, and we know exactly what steps to take to ensure you have the best hip replacement experience possible. You’ll find the best hip replacement recovery with Genesis Orthopedics & Sports Medicine.

"Thank you for seeing and caring for our daughter, Janie on such short notice. She felt so comfortable with you and you were a great encouragement to her."

“You’re so kind! You’re so skilled! You’re so helpful! You’re so needed! Thank you for putting me back together. Thank you so much for helping me feel better.”

"I just want to thank you for a wonderful job on my shoulder and bicep muscle. Your staff is A-1 in my book."

Bringing back mobility into your life, without the pain

Just like your shoes wear out from natural usage, your hip wears out from doing the things you love all day long. You should be able to move freely for your entire life. 

And that’s exactly what we’re about at Genesis: restoring your ability to move freely in your body, without the pain. Restoration is one of the gifts the medical profession can provide to the world—true restoration of your mobility.

Knee Replacement

Hip replacements that make a difference

"What should I expect after a hip replacement?"

With us, patients typically consume less narcotics after surgery than patients with traditional approaches.

Specifically, data shows that compared to posterior approach patients, our anterior hip replacement patients consume less narcotics in the first three days after surgery and are less likely to be using narcotics for pain control at 2 and 6 weeks follow-up. And our patients reported 35% less opioid usage through the first 90 days post-operatively.

Here at Genesis Orthopedics & Sports Medicine, your care and comfort are top priorities for us. So our entire experience is geared around ensuring your peak satisfaction with the holistic process – from start to finish, from first appointment to final physical therapy session.

"This place is AMAZING! I LOVE these guys!!! Best at everything!!!"

"The whole team at Genesis Orthopedics & Sports Medicine is as professional as they get! My appointments are timely and informative. They excel at explaining the diagnosis and the treatment. They are such a happy group of people – I look forward to going to the office and being taken care of... Really love Genesis Orthopedics & Sports Medicine!"

Just a few weeks from now, your hip could feel decades younger

With our anterior hip replacement procedure, you can move like you haven't moved in years, enjoy sports you'd previously quit due to pain, and enjoy an active and healthy lifestyle that improves your happiness.

You are right around the corner from anterior hip replacement. Our high-quality care and ethical-pricing are what makes Genesis unique and undergirds our promise to ensure your anterior hip replacement recovery is as smooth as possible.

If you want to put that to the test, book a screening now.

Injection Treatment


We follow a rigorous protocol designed by our doctors to ensure that our clinic is COVID-safe. Every surface is disinfected, and you will have contact only with your doctor or physician assistant during your visit.

Our three-step approach to anterior hip replacement

Our work consists of three simple steps: evaluation, treatment, and recovery.

Direct Anterior Hip Replacement

Quick understanding of the nature of your problem

First you book an appointment to determine with our expert medical team what exactly the nature of your hip pain is. With this understanding, we can create a plan of care moving forward, and determine if hip replacement is necessary.

Piron Guillaume

If surgery is necessary, we perform surgery

Our goal isn’t to perform as many surgeries as possible. Our goal is simply to match the best path of care with your unique problem. But if surgery is required for a comprehensive solution to your problem, we go ahead and schedule surgery, accommodating your schedule and needs first and foremost

Walking Four Women

Post-op recovery is simple and painfree

Our promise to you is that after surgery you’ll have a plan for post-operative physical therapy that will strengthen your hip and facilitate a full anterior hip replacement recovery

Your hip pain could be
gone for good

Get in touch with us today to book your first appointment to determine the nature of your hip problem and discuss an anterior hip replacement. We're happy to explain in further detail how the process works and if it might be a good fit for you. (And of course, if surgery isn't the best course of treatment, we'll be the first to recommend an alternative treatment that may be more effective!).

    Injection Treatment


    We follow a rigorous protocol designed by our doctors to ensure that our clinic is COVID-safe. Every surface is disinfected, and you will have contact only with your doctor or physician assistant during your visit.
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