
Kevin Smothers, DPT

About Kevin Smothers

About Kevin

Kevin Smothers is a physical therapist providing outpatient care in St Charles. His treatment style focuses on pro­vid­ing evi­denced based care uti­liz­ing active and man­u­al inter­ven­tions in con­junc­tion with com­pre­hen­sive edu­ca­tion to pro­mote patient inde­pen­dence to reduce the exac­er­ba­tion of chron­ic pain and avoid­ance of acute injuries. He holds his DPT credential and is a NIU Huskies alumni. 

Educational Background

Northern Illinois University – Doctorate of Physical Therapy


Contact Info

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For urgent medical advice or concerns, please contact your clinic directly. For medical emergencies, please dial 911.


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